Lawyers Weekly, together with parent company Momentum Media, is thrilled to announce its inaugural Champions of Pride event, which will celebrate initiatives that support inclusiveness and diversity across the legal profession.
Champions of Pride launches
Champions of Pride 2021 will recognise law firms, legal organisations and law departments that best demonstrate a commitment – both pledged and implemented – to the advancement of diversity and inclusion initiatives as they pertain to legal professionals across the country who identify as LGBTQI+.
This new event provides an outstanding opportunity for legal employers across Australia to showcase their substantial efforts towards the achievement of equality, not only in the workplace but across the community more generally.
Champions of Pride 2021 follows Lawyers Weekly’s reporting late last year on research conducted by Momentum Intelligence, which revealed the extent of progress that has been made in fostering inclusive workplaces for legal professionals identifying as LGBTQI+, and also notable differences between LGBTQI+ and non-LGBTQI professionals in law with regard to the success or otherwise of inclusion initiatives. The research also explored perceptions pertaining to the extent to which LGBTQI+ professionals have the freedom to be themselves in the workplace.
By nominating, legal employers can gain national acclaim and elevate their businesses above the pack. Moreover, by shining a light on initiatives implemented to better foster diversity and inclusion, businesses can position themselves as employers of choice, receive recognition as thought leaders and impart wisdom upon the broader legal profession, in addition to celebrating the business’ accomplishments.
“Whilst the legal profession in Australia has made strides, in years gone by, when it comes to better supporting LGBTQI+ colleagues, the research undertaken by Momentum Intelligence shows there is still a way to go before true equality in law exists,” said Lawyers Weekly deputy editor Jerome Doraisamy.
“It is our hope that shining a light on the exemplary work being done by certain employers across the spectrum of Australia’s legal community will not only serve to laud those doing what is needed, but also be a reminder to other businesses of the fundamental importance – and benefits – of safe, hospitable workplaces that exude collegiality.”
Legal employers of all stripes are encouraged to attend, from BigLaw firms to corporate legal departments, from barristers’ chambers to community legal centres. If your employer is pushing the boundaries beyond tokenism in our profession, then make sure they are acknowledged by nominating them today!
To learn more, click here.