New digital marketing training course launched for brokers

New digital marketing training course launched for brokers

Sydney brokers will be the first to benefit from a new digital marketing training program specifically designed to help them capture greater market share via the web.

The eight-week course, called Digital Marketing Fundamentals – Mortgage & Finance, will be held early in 2016 and will deliver practical digital marketing skills, techniques and strategies to a limited group of just 30 mortgage and finance professionals.

Part of The Adviser Academy – The Adviser’s newly launched training, education and professional development arm – the course will equip brokers, marketing managers and other broker support staff with hands-on digital tactics that win more business and attract more referrals.

According to Jim Hall, head of mortgages and real estate at Sterling Publishing (publisher of The Adviser), the tailored course has been devised for brokers that recognise the need to upskill their digital marketing capabilities but require the guidance to implement and execute a strategy.

“There are so many avenues for brokers to extend their network and grow their client base today,” he said.

Mr Hall said brokers that undertake the training will learn how to leverage digital channels to gain greater visibility in their local market and increase their connectivity with customers, prospects and referral partners alike.

“Most brokers recognise this opportunity; they just need to be guided in how to do it effectively. This course will deliver just that,” he said.

The Digital Marketing Fundamentals – Mortgage & Finance program will be conducted over eight weeks by Adam Franklin, the highly acclaimed business blogger, renowned social media key note speaker, digital guru and best-selling author.

Details of enrolment and the full eight-week programme will be released next week. For more details, please contact Michael Magee on 02 8045 2004 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..