Momentum Media and space brand Space Connect are pleased to announce that the Australian Space Summit will return in 2023 with speakers including senior leaders from Amazon, LeoLabs and KPMG, alongside Australia's first astronaut, Dr Paul Scully-Power.
After a sell-out inaugural event, The Australian Space Summit is back for its second year.
Topics for discussion this year will include a deep dive into the potential of space-based solar power, our booming new launch sector and just how much Australia can further human space exploration.
The event, supported by principal partner Thales, sold out earlier this year but is now confirmed to come back with an even bigger program on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at the ICC in Sydney.
You can find more information on the summit’s website, while tickets can be purchased here.
Swinburne University astronomer Professor Alan Duffy will again emcee.
Other speakers confirmed for 2023 include:
The summit will kick off with an industry update on the current state of play in the sector, followed by a discussion on the future of launch in Australia.
In a session titled Moon to Mars and beyond, attendees will learn about the $150 million Australian initiative and how it could bolster the space supply chain, grow the space industry and businesses, and provide new international opportunities for space engagement.
The latest developments in satellite manufacturing and capabilities and Australian-based manufacturing hubs will also be in focus, as will the latest in Earth observations technology.
Speakers will unpack the $1.2 billion National Space Mission for Earth Observation program and how it could support implementing “green” policy objectives and monitoring climate change.
As Australia becomes a leading space power, speakers will outline the companies at the forefront of fostering a full spectrum, strategic, sovereign and globally engaged Australian space sector and how the industry can unlock Australia’s potential in shaping the future global space economy.
With questions remaining about how much Australia should participate in the global space race, one session will focus on the Australian Space Agency’s roadmap, the development of the space sector in the country, and our positioning in the international space race.
Leaders at Australia’s first large-scale, multi-use spaceport, Space Centre Australia, will provide insights on how space innovation will revolutionise the space sector, boost productivity across various sectors, and provide opportunities for regional communities.
Members of the space industry will also hear from Australian leaders in research, manufacturing, defence, and STEM about their plans to address talent shortage and diversity issues within the space industry.
They will discuss the unique opportunities for talent diversification within the sector and their plans to promote the growth and retention of female and Indigenous Australians and to create an industry that nurtures and appeals to future generations of space leaders.
The leading women in STEM will share their successes, obstacles, and suggestions on how the space sector could dissolve barriers to encourage more women to enter and thrive in the space industry.
Space Connect would like to thank all its partners for supporting the 2023 Space Summit, including principal partner Thales, platinum partner Investment NSW, gold partners Leo Labs, Optus, EOS, Cyber Daily, and research partner Momentum Intelligence.
Click here to book your tickets and ensure you don’t miss out!
For more information, including agenda and speakers, click here.