The increasingly blurry lines of modern warfare are presenting havoc for policy makers. Defence Connect recently spoke about this topic with Andrew Hastie MP.
Andrew Hastie MP dissected China’s rising influence in the Pacific, the security challenges China poses to Australia’s national sovereignty, and how Australia can navigate this complex relationship to improve its national security
Just weeks before the true impact of COVID-19 had become apparent both at home and abroad, the Defence Connect team had the opportunity to speak with the chair of the joint parliamentary committee for intelligence and security to discuss the changing nature of the Australia-China relationship.
The conversation took a deep dive into the increasingly murky domain of ‘grey zone’ warfare and rising concerns about political influence peddling in Australian politics.
Analyst and editor, Defence Connect, Steve Kuper said, “This podcast was the one of the first interviews of Defence Connect’s new Insight podcast series, which focuses on the policy issues shaping Australia’s strategic environment.”
The federal member for Canning dissected China’s rising influence in the Pacific, the security challenges China poses to Australia’s national sovereignty, and how Australia can navigate this complex relationship to improve its national security.
“Mr Hastie is widely seen as a rising star within the parliamentary Liberal Party and draws on a wealth of lived experience from his service as an SAS officer during Australia’s operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan,” Kuper explained.
Throughout the conversation, Hastie discussed the role of the joint parliamentary committee for intelligence and security and its various inquiries across the spectrum of national security issues.
Kuper added, “Being able to secure this interview so early in the life of the Insight brand serves to showcase the parliamentary recognition Defence Connect has established, and went a long way to helping us build relationships with both sides of the political debate.”
The interview with Hastie resonated strongly with members of the Australian national security, defence, political and broader community, with feedback well received from a cross section of the ecosystem.